Monday, August 29, 2011

I Love All Purpose Potions

seen somewhere in Virginia 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Would You Buy This?

For yourself? I'm sorry, but that says a lot for your ego (or lack thereof.) Now, if you're buying it for someone else, particularly someone in your household, well, won't comment there...


*For Sale in a WalMart near You :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Is This The Best Thing They Could Advertise?

I realize it may be a big selling point, but just bringing it up means there must be at least SOME...

Seen in southwest Virginia, June 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

This May Not Be Strange To Anyone Else...

But it was odd to me. This is what happens when you hit your golf ball into a wet bunker with a heck of a spin. The ball comes out with a nice ring of wet sand.



Seen on a golf course in East Tennessee, May 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Better Than A Prosthesis

These are in honor of breast cancer month (a little late, it was October.) I don't know if they are for wearing, and if so for distraction or for replacement of a prosthesis (they mostly seem to stand up unassisted) or what. Victoria's Secret, look out!

Seen in an ob/gyn office, somewhere in Southwest Virginia, December 2010. K

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dual Duty

Now I'm a big fan of multi-tasking, but some things seem a bit of a stretch...

Seen in an Applebees, somewhere in Maryland. January 2011. K