Friday, December 25, 2009

Snoopy on Ice

Seen on the side of the road, somewhere in Southwest Virginia. December 2009. K

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Die Hard Fan

Please let me know I would be there too. K

Seen in Knoxville, Tn, November 2009.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Sow's Ear

I have donned a fair amount of gay apparel in my time, but this takes the cake. Spare me. K
Seen at Jimbo's Lakeway Chevron, Southwest Virginia. December 2009.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Things Are Better Left Unknown

Actually, I do have the other half of this photo (the front half.) I need to photo-mess with it a bit to fuzz the face (promise, I won't fuzz the rest! It would ruin the effect!) There are some things too odd to be digitized...

Seen on Clearwater Beach, June 2009. K

Friday, October 30, 2009

This Looks Downright Painful

OK, I am a fan of hygiene. Sometimes, however, it goes a bit too far:


San Francisco, October 2009

Guess Times Have Come To This

I suppose our economic situation has brought us to this. Did he spend all his Star Wars money on mansions and Jags for everybody? Is it just the bad economy? Who knows, but did anyone ever think they'd actually see R2D2 panhandling on Fisherman's Wharf?

Seen in San Francisco, October 2009

Ok, let's just dive right in.

Now I realize that those of you who live in New Jersey and work in NYC probably DO see this every day, since this is just outside the PATH exit near Ground Zero.  For the rest of us, this was a real head-scratcher.  Personally, I came around the corner, saw this and stopped dead in my tracks.  What the hell is this thing?  A giant balloon animal?  What animal?  Nothing like this appears in nature!